12th edition on 23./24.10.2024 in Chambéry, France

We are happy to announce the 12th edition of the Metallization and Interconnection Workshop for Crystalline Solar Cells (MIW) will take place on October 23 & 24, with a welcome reception on the evening before, in Chambéry, France. Close to the laboratories of CEA/INES we have rented a spacious convention center in Le Bourget-du-Lac, near the shores of the beautiful lake du Bourget. For details on the venue, on public transport and on hotel recommendations, please check the venue page.

Thanks to the great committment of our Sponsors, supporting this event, we will be able to offer participation at this workshop again for reasonable fee, including full catering during the event and a joint dinner. For those how cannot or do not want to travel online participation will again be possible.

The call for abstracts closed on 31.05.2024. After the evaluations of the submissions by our scientific committee we are pleased to present you the program of this edition around end of August.

We hope to meet many of you in Chambery or online and discuss the latest trends of this important topics for the future of PV with us.

Guy Beaucarne, Dow
Antonin Faes, CSEM/EPFL
Jan Lossen, ISC Konstanz
Eszter Voroshazi, CEA