MIW2023 organizers, Opening |
Christophe Ballif, CSEM/EPFL, Introductory talk |
Session I: Screen-printed metallisation : state-of-the-art and beyond |
Padhamnath Pradeep , SERIS, Screen-Printed metallization for industrial solar cells – current perspectives and future opportunities |
Glatthar Raphael, Univ. Konstanz, Fundamental microscopic studies on the etching behavior of silver pastes on poly-Si/SiOx passivating contacts |
Tokiko Misaki, Asada Mesh, Deformation Behavior of Screen Mesh in Screen Printing and Its Effect on Printing Results |
Session II: Multi-busbars/wire soldering |
Dominik Rudolph, ISC Konstanz, Improvement of solder interconnections applied on back contact solar cells with low-temperature copper paste busbars |
Jonas Marten, KIT, Highly conductive coated wire for interconnetion of solar cells with TECC-Wire technology |
Rik van Dyck, imomec, Investigation of Multi-Wire Interconnected Lightweight PV modules Using Micro-Computed Tomography |
Poster session |
Florent Pernoud, CEA, Recent developments of HJT screen printing process at CEA-INES |
Janis Andersons, Univ. Tweente, High Aspect Ratio Triangular Front Contacts for Solar Cells Fabricated by String-printing |
Alejandro Borja Block, CSEM/EPFL, Challenges of black metallic interconnects for integrated PV module application |
Daniel Ourinson, FhISE, Paste-based Silver Reduction for iTOPCon Solar Cells |
Iñaki Cornago, CENER, TiSi2 and LIFT as potential alternatives to silver and screen printing for solar cells electric contacts |
Session III: Ag reduction in low temperature pastes |
Alexis Barrou, CSEM, Life Cycle Assessment of Minerals and Metals for PV: Case Study with the Silicon Heterojunction Technology |
Sebastian Pingel, FhISE, Progress on the reduction of silver consumption in metallization of SHJ solar cells |
Mariana Bertoni, Arizona State University, Performance and Accelerated Testing of Reactive Silver Inks Metallization of Silicon Heterojunctions with 90% less Silver |
Maximilian Pospischil, HighLine Technology, Optimizing solar cell metallisation by parallel dispensing |
Session IV: Copper-based cell metallisation |
Veysel Unsur, Necmettin Erbakan University, ODTU-GUNAM, Screen Printable Fire Through Nickel Contacts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells |
Thad Druffel, Bert Thin Films/Univ. Notrth Carolina, Screen Printable Copper Pastes for Silicon Solar Cells |
Agata Lachowicz, CSEM, Stability of Mini-modules with Copper Plated Heterojunction Solar Cells |
Session V: Silicon heterojunction cell metallisation and LT interconnections |
Linjia Zhang, Suzhou iSilver Materials Co., Research and development of low temperature paste for silicon heterojunction solar cells |
Angela De Rose, FhISE, Low-temperature metallization & interconnection for silicon heterojunction and perovskite silicon tandem solar cells |
Germain Rey, CEA, Silicon heterojunction solar cells: solder, process and equipment qualification |
Rémi Monna, CEA, Reduction of silver usage in ECA based busbar interconnection |
Session VI: ECA based interconnections technologies |
Vincent Barth, CEA, Methodology of ECA material characterization and qualification |
María Ignacia Devoto Acevedo, ISC Konstanz, Validation of methodology to determine the contact resistivity of ECA-based bonds grounded on end-contact resistance measurements using redundant and modified TLM test structures |
Julian Weber, FhISE, Electrically conductive adhesive-free interconnection of shingle solar cells |
Veronika Nikitina, FhISE, Shingling meets perovskite-silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells |