MIW2023 organizers, Opening
Christophe Ballif, CSEM/EPFL, Introductory talk
Session I: Screen-printed metallisation : state-of-the-art and beyond
Padhamnath Pradeep , SERIS, Screen-Printed metallization for industrial solar cells – current perspectives and future opportunities
Glatthar Raphael, Univ. Konstanz, Fundamental microscopic studies on the etching behavior of silver pastes on poly-Si/SiOx passivating contacts
Tokiko Misaki, Asada Mesh, Deformation Behavior of Screen Mesh in Screen Printing and Its Effect on Printing Results
Session II: Multi-busbars/wire soldering
Dominik Rudolph, ISC Konstanz, Improvement of solder interconnections applied on back contact solar cells with low-temperature copper paste busbars
Jonas Marten, KIT, Highly conductive coated wire for interconnetion of solar cells with TECC-Wire technology
Rik van Dyck, imomec, Investigation of Multi-Wire Interconnected Lightweight PV modules Using Micro-Computed Tomography
Poster session
Florent Pernoud, CEA, Recent developments of HJT screen printing process at CEA-INES
Janis Andersons, Univ. Tweente, High Aspect Ratio Triangular Front Contacts for Solar Cells Fabricated by String-printing
Alejandro Borja Block, CSEM/EPFL, Challenges of black metallic interconnects for integrated PV module application
Daniel Ourinson, FhISE, Paste-based Silver Reduction for iTOPCon Solar Cells
Iñaki Cornago, CENER, TiSi2 and LIFT as potential alternatives to silver and screen printing for solar cells electric contacts
Session III: Ag reduction in low temperature pastes
Alexis Barrou, CSEM, Life Cycle Assessment of Minerals and Metals for PV: Case Study with the Silicon Heterojunction Technology
Sebastian Pingel, FhISE, Progress on the reduction of silver consumption in metallization of SHJ solar cells
Mariana Bertoni, Arizona State University, Performance and Accelerated Testing of Reactive Silver Inks Metallization of Silicon Heterojunctions with 90% less Silver
Maximilian Pospischil, HighLine Technology, Optimizing solar cell metallisation by parallel dispensing
Session IV: Copper-based cell metallisation
Veysel Unsur, Necmettin Erbakan University, ODTU-GUNAM, Screen Printable Fire Through Nickel Contacts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells
Thad Druffel, Bert Thin Films/Univ. Notrth Carolina, Screen Printable Copper Pastes for Silicon Solar Cells
Agata Lachowicz, CSEM, Stability of Mini-modules with Copper Plated Heterojunction Solar Cells
Session V: Silicon heterojunction cell metallisation and LT interconnections
Linjia Zhang, Suzhou iSilver Materials Co., Research and development of low temperature paste for silicon heterojunction solar cells
Angela De Rose, FhISE, Low-temperature metallization & interconnection for silicon heterojunction and perovskite silicon tandem solar cells
Germain Rey, CEA, Silicon heterojunction solar cells: solder, process and equipment qualification
Rémi Monna, CEA, Reduction of silver usage in ECA based busbar interconnection
Session VI: ECA based interconnections technologies
Vincent Barth, CEA, Methodology of ECA material characterization and qualification
María Ignacia Devoto Acevedo, ISC Konstanz, Validation of methodology to determine the contact resistivity of ECA-based bonds grounded on end-contact resistance measurements using redundant and modified TLM test structures
Julian Weber, FhISE, Electrically conductive adhesive-free interconnection of shingle solar cells
Veronika Nikitina, FhISE, Shingling meets perovskite-silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells